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Past Events

2014 - Africa Business Forum

Bridging capital, market & talent gap through Afro-German SME collaborative interests


  1. Temi Olatunde

  2. Jean Paul Melaga

  3. Oulimata Sarr

  4. Thapelo Mokhati

  5. Shiygan Navti

  6. Samantha Sangwe


Africa Business Forum 2014

Join us on 18th October in the City of Colog- ne to look at bridging capital, market & talent

gap through Afro-German SME collaborative interests. DIE FAMILIENUNTERNEHMER – ASU E.V. AND DIE JUNGEN UNTERNEHMER – BJU

are an association of German family-run busines- ses. The forum brings together business-owners

and decision-makers. Together, we account for ~80 per cent of German economic power. The ultimate goal of the forum is to set up the foundation for partnership and forward-thinking businesses.

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