2013 - Africa Business Forum
Business with Germany Opportunities – Strengths – Strategy?
Sophie Masipa
Caleb Tamfu
Oulimata Sarr
Bernd Diepenseifen
Francis Nkwain
Amone Gbedemah
You are warmly invited to the first Africa Business Forum organized by the BJU/ASU in cooperation with Africa 2.0. The forum is a platform for african and german
entrepreneurs to interact and forge future part- nerships. Hosted by the german association of
young entrepreneurs – BJU, the exposure will
range from SMEs to bigger industry leading com- panies. Legal, financial and operational challen- ges faced by those doing business on the Conti- nent and within Germany /EU will be addressed
by sharing practical experience. Know-How for Emerging Markets: Many African countries now experience growth rates that are unmatched globally. Addressing the potential in Africa requires solutions across all industries. Delegates at the forum represent
a wide range of industries and expertise inclu- ding infrastructure, healthcare, technology, oil
& gas, real estate and professional services. African Investors for German SMEs: Interested in accessing Quality Made in Germany? Stakeholders of successful partnerships between the German business community and african
businesses will be present at the forum. Interac- tion across a wide range of interests will be at the
center of the networking sessions. Africa Forum 2013
Überschrift The ultimate goal of the forum is to set up the foundation for partnership and forward-thinking businesses.